18 oct. 2010

Aby, aujourd' hui je suis un anglais

Hi, aby!
Been a while yo!
I have been made and kept busy, man...
The other day, I mean, in the last post, the one before this here one I forgot to tell you the main point, the main thing concerning our situation...
The situation in RIC...
I am coming, I am coming...

The idea occured to me while the roman gypsies in franSSe, who are rightful european citizens thus free to stay in franSSe as long as they wish, were being deported back to their home country...
I thought that, as my blog stands for explaining the intricacies of their dirty political games, the deportation of the gypsies is just a game play to test the international community's reaction...
A decoy while the real target to be is the ivorian citizens living in franSSe...
How could it be otherwise when the gypsies who are european citizens are deported because of a few thievings whereas the government of Ivory Coast is going to put a lot of french interests in RIC at stake?
But, actually, is it the government of RIC threatning french interests in RIC or the
french government itself behaving like the government of a rogue state in RIC in such a way that the only reaction the ivorian government can have is to put an end to any type of relationship with anything french?

Is it the people of RIC who decided to target french interests in RIC or is it the
french government which thinks it can do anything it wants in RIC in the only regards to its selfish interests thus provocating the people of the land?
Is there no living soul in RIC for franSSe's politicians to take the terms of the 60's dictations to houphouet boigny for granted in these 2000 years?
Is it a sensible person the person who, before the absurd, doesn't want to consider any other option but the one of violence? Frontal violence? Raw violence?

Aby, I think it is because it is confident that it will succeed in its scheming that the french government has opted for the violent option...
But, has there ever been a successful genocide in the world?
To think that one is going to wipe out a whole people is being stupid... Of the most
bottomless of stupidies...
I tell you, aby, the government of SSarKKKonazi has failed... franSSe has failed in
bringing us to our knees for we won't be cowered by the people of the land which
surrendered itself to the nazies...
Instead of fighting like real men they chose to bring their pants down for the other man to whack...
We won't be bullied... Not today, not tomorrow... We will fight head on...

Aby, In this day, while I am writing this post, franSSe is in great turmoil...

SSarKKKonazi is feeling the heat...
That is also a good way of distracting the public's attention from other actions to be enacted elsewhere... In RIC, for instance...
Distract one's people with some nasty political talk to put them off balance while the actual aim is else...

Some people from the french political system went to visit Gbagbo in RIC, to reassure him of their loyalty... but we will never forget what these same french did to Emile Boga Doudou... He had just come back from paying them a visit, in franSSe, yet they killed him once he set a weary foot in RIC...

Aby, let's switch back to french...
Aby, personne n' a trouve les 6-mille-itudes sur les 2 photos de dominique watera (water-a, le futur du verbe pleurer) que j' ai poste il y a de cela un bail...
Je vais garder mes 10 000 milliards f cfa...
Je donne la solution:
La perspicacite aurait voulu qu' on reconnaisse que sur sa photo de droite, il y a
autant de cheveux blonds qu' il y a sur celle de gauche...
Ce qui equivaut a 5990 6-mille-itudes, le reste est:
Le meme nez, la meme bouche, les memes oreilles, le meme habit, les memes dents pour
bien boire le sang, les memes yeux, le meme menton, le meme teint, les memes boucles d' oreilles, la meme personne...
Quelle evidence!
Il fallait juste decrire l' une des photos et le coup etait gagne mais malheureusement personne n' a daigne emettre une seule ligne...
Si je ne vous donne pas la parole, c' est pour des jeux comme celui-ci... facon agni est radin... Vous croyez que j' allais mettre mes 10 000 milliards f cfa en jeu comme ca?
Non mais dit donc! On est ou la? Sur mon propre site? Dans mon propre ordinateur? Avec ma propre connection?
Non mais dit donc! Brouteurs que vous soyez!

Bon, aby, j' irai en RCI pour le gbangban final mais s' il n' a pas lieu maintenant et que je reviens ici, en Europe, la RCI devra m' oublier a jamais... Je dois maintenant vivre... Je devrai me concentrer sur moi meme, ma vie, mes affaires, mon argent...
S' il n' y a rien qui se passe a l' election a venir, RCI abana...
On ne peut pas vivre comme ca... Comme je vie... Comme les ivoiriens veulent vivre dans des berceuses chantees par des politiciens de plaisance...
Il faut plus qu' un homme pour faire le travail qui est a faire...
Si les ivoiriens ne saisissent l' opportunite que je leur offre maintenant, et qui est:

allons a la guerre... Il faudra qu' ils m' oublient a jamais...
On ne peut pas vivre dans un pays ou tout est cafouille a ce point: justice a double
Insolence des ignorants...
Politiciens alienes par l' image du blanc...
Un peuple qui se plait dans sa misere... That's not for me...
This trip to come is going to be my last trip to the land... Come What may but if nothing happens while I am there; if I come out of that land without having fought the last battle because the last battle never happened, then Ivory Coast will have to forget about me... I don't know no man without dignity...
If you know one, tell them I don't wanna know them...

Aby, porte toi bien!

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